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E.P.D emergency protection division’s mission is to stop crime and to protect our national security from all dangers by implementing a nationwide Federal drone police force these emergency response drones or

E.R.D,s  will be able to recognize crime or disaster and immediately react to prevent loss of life equipped with tranquilizers, tasers or even rubber bullets to safely disable  threats

E.R.D,s utilizes autonomous robotics that follow a guideline of pre-programmed rules and instructions that allows it to complete its desired task 


E.R.D,s will have the ability to communicate with each other giving them a tactical advantage when preventing and stopping crime of all levels


the public wants to feel safe  and so does law enforcement our program is an equal solution police brutality is a growing concern E.R.D,s will respond  two police dispatch to assist them or the public when signs of police brutality is recognized The E.R.D,s

will respond by siding the US code violation an a warning to stand down or be sedated When police brutality is recognized the emergency response drones  will immediately send a Red Alert to E.P.D headquarters where federal  agents can be dispatched to further investigate or take offending officers into custody if the E.R.D recognizes a severe threat to an officer such as a mass shootout it will respond by automatically assisting law enforcement in safely disarming and extinguishing the threat Whenever an emergency response drone is activated video feed streams directly to E.P.D headquarters where they can be viewed or controlled by federal agents to prevent any unwanted actions 


623 212 5488


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